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3 files

  1. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - Original (Corrected)

    General fixes and added missing sound clips. Since there's no guide for recreating a stock sound set from scratch, I re-ripped and replaced all existing sound clips that were provided in the stock set and added all known missing clips. The new clips were normalized and trimmed to remove any leading or trailing silence.
    Change log:
    All voice samples replaced with new rips from IPDB ROM set using M1/BridgeM1 Naming revised to fix errors (i.e. "i_m_scared" -> "ice_cave" and "quick_shot" -> "creature", and some others)  
    Sound clips modified:
    0187747334-live_live_live_liiiiive_(with_sound_effects) - [VOICE] Creature multiball start sound clip incorrect...only shouts "live" 3 times. Replaced with correct sound clip that includes 4th scream "liiiiiiive") 0496829822-dont_worry_sir_youre_well_guarded_(with_music) - [VOICE] Sound clip too loud. Reduced amplification -10 dB using Audacity 0574192814-sega_(sonic) - [VOICE] Sound clip too loud. Reduced amplification -10 dB using Audacity  
    Sound clips added (missing from original set):
    0553383434-shes_dead - [VOICE] Game over sound clip #1 0584864131-extra_ball - [JINGLE] Short music clip that plays behind "Live again!" when getting/beginning extra ball 3443600532-all_that_i_once_loved_lies_in_a_shallow_grave - [VOICE] Game over sound clip #2 3044456105-groan_(creature) - [SFX] Creature groan that plays twice at Geneva multiball start 3601199329-more_thunder - [SFX] Thunderclap played during attract mode 4086552397-frankenstein - [VOICE] Sound clip played upon pressing Start button to begin game



  2. Mary Shelleys Frankenstein mix

    Been working on my Frankenstein pinsound mix. Man, this is time consuming, we are talking weeks of work! Replaced most of the sound effects, quotes, voices and music with the originals from the movie. Robert De Niro is now the main monster scream source!
    Now, the sega/data east games really lack the ammount of soundtriggers that for instance my williams BSD has, so therefore I had to figure out how to implement more sounds and call outs, and background efffects.
    - New soundtrack and general music during start, end of ball and game over. 

    - EDGAR WINTER Frankenstein is included, but I feel that it might not fit in well with the new sounddesign. I really like the track, it rocks, but I am thinking of making a total remix with more rock instrumentals in a different folder.  But, since it is an option in the game it is there :-)
    -  New Frankenstein intro on start game
    - Added electricity sounds during "throw switch" skill shot (for now only when original music score is selected)
    -  STONING mode, there is now an angry mob taunting and screaming at the monster during the mode. And The Monster grunts when getting hit.
    - LYNCH JUSTINE mode you can hear the angry mob, original music and Justine screaming for her life.
    - NORTH POLE mode has wind and footsteps in the snow.
    - HIGH VOLTAGE mode has som "hurry up" voice fx, and yells at you to shoot the ramp.
    - FLIPPER LANES now has  More Elisabeth voicecalls from Victor and the Monster with a fire inspired fx. The Ellisabeth "monster" is also here, shouting in desperation with a flame surrounding fx. And a nice     one when she call out Victor`s name. 
    - GRAVEYARD mode with new movie quotes from Victor talking about raw materials and tissue to be reused ;-)
    - CHANGING SCENE now has a much more distinct sound, making it a more obvious SCENE CHANGE
    - THE MONSTER now screams before throwing the ball at you (with throw FX)
    - NEW BALLSAVER sounds with movie quote from Victor
    - TILT WARNINGS from the movie 
    - More of the Monster screaming and also some crying ;-)
    - NEW MULTIBALL FX with heartbeat  before Monster throw
    -  BALL LOCK voiceover when ball lock is ready
    -  END OF MODE movie quotes
    -  NEW EXTRA BALL FX/Voice with panning sound when ball rolls accross the display
    - NEW SPECIAL sound
    - NEW JACKPOT voice. Although I might replace them with the originals again. 
    - NEW HQ Sega attract sound
    - NEW Franky SEGA voice
    - NEW HQ "throw switch" voice taunt from movie
    Probably forgotten something, but most of it is here :-)



  3. Mary_Shelley_s_Frankenstein_1995.zip




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